Now that I've mentioned the Collectables in my previous publication, let
me brief you on how to get the Feathers Collection.
Firstly, to check out your Feather Collection, all you have to do is
to click on the blue ribbon button and then select "collections".
Next, the question is how do you get all the FarmVille Feather
collectibles? Well, that's pretty easy:
All that's needed is to simply have to be active and plow your land,
harvest crops as well as fertilize your neighbor crops. The
collectables are awarded randomly, so you will need time to get them
- Green Plume for sending gifts
- Hen Feather from harvesting chickens (or chicken coops)
- Dapple Plume from harvesting ducks
- Red Feather from fertilizing neighbor crops
- Banded Quill from harvesting turkeys
- Blue Feather from harvesting trees (probably they also have some
hidden birds there, too)
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