неделя, 18 юли 2010 г.

Hi all,

Did you know that there are a lot more uses for the bales of hay as
well as fences then just decoration?

Well, quite a number of farm owners use them to give a 3D image of
their farm (I actually use this technique as well, if you notice the
top right side of my farm, it looks like it's on an elevated ground!)

Anyway, back to talking about stacking hay bales and fences in FarmVille. It's pretty cool and can help you build items which resemble a skyscraper or even create a raised plateau to put your plantation or villa on - how amazing is that!

Here's how to do it:

Technically, you cannot stack items in FarmVille - it's just due to
the limitation of the game graphics. However, do not fear, it's
quite easy once you get the hang of it but be patient at the start!
Once you get it perfected, it's easy to create even more amazing
farms using this elevation technique.

To do this correctly, you have to place the fences or hay bales at
spots directly behind each other, making sure that the edges or
fence posts are aligned perfectly. Continue doing this to go as high
up as you want!

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