вторник, 20 юли 2010 г.

Hi All

Do you want 3 free Fv Cash

This is ne care packpage 3 FV cash and other prizes


You will receive 3 FV$, 1 unwither, 1 fuel, and a goat.

Hi All

Today i will give



PASSWORDS (MUST BE CAPS/USE ONE AT A TIME)= FARMVIP42 FARMLOVE42 http://apps.facebook.com/onthefarm/redeem_coupon.php?ref=mf


понеделник, 19 юли 2010 г.

Hello All,

Now you can get 10 free farmcash for instaling zynga toolbar

You can collect Collectibles, Baby Horses, Coins, fuels and more automatically by this Game Bar from Zynga. Once every 8 hours through the Game Bar, you will get bonus Fuels or a larger bonus.
FarmVille Game Bar! http://toolbar.zynga.com/install/farmville/

неделя, 18 юли 2010 г.

Hi all,

Did you know that there are a lot more uses for the bales of hay as
well as fences then just decoration?

Well, quite a number of farm owners use them to give a 3D image of
their farm (I actually use this technique as well, if you notice the
top right side of my farm, it looks like it's on an elevated ground!)

Anyway, back to talking about stacking hay bales and fences in FarmVille. It's pretty cool and can help you build items which resemble a skyscraper or even create a raised plateau to put your plantation or villa on - how amazing is that!

Here's how to do it:

Technically, you cannot stack items in FarmVille - it's just due to
the limitation of the game graphics. However, do not fear, it's
quite easy once you get the hang of it but be patient at the start!
Once you get it perfected, it's easy to create even more amazing
farms using this elevation technique.

To do this correctly, you have to place the fences or hay bales at
spots directly behind each other, making sure that the edges or
fence posts are aligned perfectly. Continue doing this to go as high
up as you want!

Now that I've mentioned the Collectables in my previous publication, let
me brief you on how to get the Feathers Collection.

Firstly, to check out your Feather Collection, all you have to do is
to click on the blue ribbon button and then select "collections".

Next, the question is how do you get all the FarmVille Feather
collectibles? Well, that's pretty easy:

All that's needed is to simply have to be active and plow your land,
harvest crops as well as fertilize your neighbor crops. The
collectables are awarded randomly, so you will need time to get them

- Green Plume for sending gifts
- Hen Feather from harvesting chickens (or chicken coops)
- Dapple Plume from harvesting ducks
- Red Feather from fertilizing neighbor crops
- Banded Quill from harvesting turkeys
- Blue Feather from harvesting trees (probably they also have some
hidden birds there, too)

Hi all,

I've managed to sieve through all
347 farms which were emailed to me (most of your farms were
honestly just about AMAZING!) and selected a few to show you guys
what your farm could be like with a little help from Farmville Champ...

I've set up a separate site just for this compilation... and I think
I gave it a pretty apt name...

*Drum roll please*

==> http://www.FarmVille3D.com
I'll get right to it...you asked for it, you got it. Here is another video showing more ways to get quick XP.
Quick XP Link:

Hi All,

If you're like me, you'd probably want all the Limited Edition stuff
and nothing is as hot as the new Hot Rod Tractor!

Why the Hot Rod tractor? Well, besides looking smokin' hot, it allows
you to plow 9 plots at the time which quickens your playing time
(unless you're already familiar with my Hay Bale Trick which is still
faster than this Hot Rod Tractor!)

Well, in the game, you can pay 55 FV Cash to get it BUT, if you play
Mafia Wars, all you need to do is to reach Level 10 and then all you
have to do is to pay 45,000 of your FarmVille Coins.

Its real easy to play Mafia Wars and to reach Level 10. You can
download your guide to mastering this game here:

Hi All,

It is extremely important to know what you want to do when planting
a crop. There are so many variables to take into account, growth
time, coins received or even XP earned. And so...

Carefully Choose Your Crop. As
mentioned, no crop is the same. They vary and some of these crops
pay more coins than others, while others give more experience
points and some would take longer to grow. This leads to a very
interesting combination depending on what you want from your farm.

Let's consider the things you would want from your farm.

If you want to level up quickly, you should look at the number of
experience points per hour. This will tell us which crop gives the
most XP every hour which will help you achieve higher levels a lot
quicker. To calculate experience points per hour, add up the
experience points from plowing the field and planting the crop and
then divide that by the time it takes for the crop to grow.

If you want to have more coins, then look at coins earned per hour
AFTER you minus the original cost from the sale cost. Only then
will you find out how much coins you have earned nett. This will
tell you which crop gives the most coins per hour which in turn
gives you more coins as compared to other crops.


As we know, usually, people can only have one chicken coop per
farm. Well, I don't know much longer this will work, but I have
discovered how you can have TWO Chicken Coops on your farm all at
the same time! Isn't that just cool?

Well, here's what you have to do so be sure to follow the steps
exactly and correctly:

1. Have to have enough coins to buy a new chicken coop and you
must have an unhatched egg in your Facebook News Feed.

2. Then, remove all of your chickens from your chicken coop and
place them in your farm.

3. Sell your chicken coop.

4. Next, open the FarmVille Marketplace and go to your Buildings
Tab. After you have sold your chicken coop, you will see that you
now can buy a new one. However, do not buy one yet. Just ensure
that this page showing the Marketplace is kept open.

5. Open another tab or window and then open your Facebook News Feed
and then click on the "Hatch this Egg" in one of your friend's
posts. After you hatch the egg, you will get a free chicken coop.
It will then show up in your Gift Box. When that happens, you can
close this tab or window.

6. Next, go back to the original page where you have the
Marketplace open and then buy the chicken coop. Place the chicken
coop on your farm and share the egg which you got from inside.

7. Then, refresh the page. After you do this, you will see your
second chicken coop in your gift box. Use this gift and place the
chicken coop in your farm. Lastly, don't forget to share the egg
you get inside of the chicken coop.

Hey all i will show you how to get all gardening tools

Gardening Tools

* Gloves is a Common that is found via Gifting
* Trowel is a Common that is found via Plowing
* Cultivator is a Common that is found via Fertilizing
* Twine is a Uncommon that is found via Harvesting Sheep
* Pruning Saw is a Uncommon that is found via Harvesting Trees
* Shears is a Rare that is found via Fertilizing

Hello all today i will show how to Goget the final FarmVille Collectables, Bugs!

All that's needed is to simply gift, plow, harvest and fertilize. The
collectables are awarded randomly, so you will need time to get them

1. The Ladybug is from Fertilizing
2. The Dragonfly is from Sending Gifts
3. The Caterpillar is from Harvesting Trees
4. The Stickbug is from Harvesting Trees
5. The Beetle is from Fertilizing
5. The Centipede is from Plowing